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See the source code

Training a model

To be sure the model could run in browser on any device I turned to Tensorflow.js. I kept the setup small - an MLP w/ 2 hidden layers that learns to classify MNist digits. This should be familiar to anyone whose worked with networks.

  const model = tf.sequential();
  // Hidden Layers
  model.add(tf.layers.dense({inputShape: [28*28], units: 16, activation: "relu"}));
  model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 16, activation: "relu"}));
  // output layer
  model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 10, activation: "softmax"}));

I also added some React components to interactively kick off training/inference.

Probing model activations

Next, I added the ability to forward a sample through the model and capture the activations from each layer.

const probeModelActivation = async (
  sample: tf.Tensor<tf.Rank>,
  model: tf.Sequential
) => {
  // const layerInputs_BK = [tf.zeros([1, 28 * 28 * 1])];
  const layerInputs: tf.Tensor<tf.Rank>[] = [sample];
  model.layers.forEach((layer, i) => {
    const layerOutput = layer.apply(layerInputs[i]);
    layerInputs.push(layerOutput as tf.Tensor<tf.Rank>);
  return new ActivationData(
    await layerInputs[0].data(),
    await Promise.all(layerInputs.slice(1).map(async (t) => await t.data()))

Visualizing Activations

Lastly, I used react-three-fiber to create an interactive visualization of the network including the propagation of activations. Updating a lot of 3D lines proved fairly cumbersome in react-three-fiber. This was unexpected as most other features in the library have been a treat. If I was starting this project over, I’d default to GLSL shaders to allow for bit more control.
