Estimating Fundamental Matrix & Triangulating 3D Points
Estimating a fundamental matrix to triangulate and reconstruct 2D points in 3D space.
Estimating a fundamental matrix to triangulate and reconstruct 2D points in 3D space.
Real Time Tracking for Augmented Reality using OpenCV and Popular Game Engines
Implementing a robust homography estimation to register pairs of images separated either by a 2D or 3D projective transformation.
Classification for “wide” datasets, w/ more features than examples.
Regression of spatial data using kernel functions.
Segment images using a clustering method.
Recovering surface normals and surface heights from lighting cues.
Visualizing and simplifying high dimensional data.
Comparing various classifier in R.
Implementing Stoachastic Gradient Descent from scratch in R.
Implementing a laplacian blob detector to identify scale invariant features.
Writing a naive bayes classifier from scrach in R.
A presentation and summary of a paper on architecture support for domain-specific accelerator-rich CMPS
Modeling a population of neurons learning to control a 2 dimensional cursor.
Navigating environments w/ Markov Decision Processes & Reinforced Learning.
Creating 360 panoramas from a set of images.
Digit classification w/ Naive Bayes and Multi-class Perceptrons.
Creating 3D texture wrapped models from a single image.
Implementing an OCR system w/ OpenCV and Deep Learning.
Solving mazes by implementing various path finding algorithms.
Solving war games w/ Adversarial Search, Minimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning.
Creating 360 panoramas from a set of images.
Solving word puzzles and other types of constraint satisfactions problems.
Discriminating and matching features in images.
Simple implementation of the diamond square algorithm to generate a tile of terrain.
Building a jenkins plugin extension to analyze test results.
Animating a dancing letter w/ WebGL
Investigating the use of finite element solvers in basic electrode design and analysis.
Developing software to analyze and report reading patterns based on observed eye tracking data.
Optimizing a Rudimentary Eigen Value Solver with Intel x86 SSE Intrinsics
Designing a 2 Stage Pipelined CPU in Logisim
Accelerating vector addition w/ NVidia CUDA framework
Accelerating via interleaved addressing with NVidia CUDA Framework
A completely custom networked implementation of a card game called set.
Using an intact frog ventricle muscle to study myocardial behavior and the impact of various control mechanisms.
Measuring and modeling the 3Dimensional movement of electricity in the human heart.
Computing signal characteristics of optical data to measure electrical arrhythmia in rabbits.
Modeling various cardiovascular mechanics.
Modeling the flow and interplay of ion channels.
Constructing a circuit to study the behavior of a voltage clamp.
Constructing a simple analog EKG amplifier to produce clean Lead I EKG recordings with identifiable wave characteristics.
A simple multi-room chat server built using Node.JS and Socket.IO
Modeling renal pathology using Matlab.
A simple calendar coded in JS, Jquery, php and mySQL
Uncovering signals in noisy data using techniques in dimensionality reduction.
Measuring, modeling and recreating signal transduction in locust olfaction.
Designing and printing a lab tool.
Various modeling techniques for neurons, action potentials and neuronal stimulation.
Studying compound action potentials by dissecting and probing a frog’s sciatic nerve.
Measuring angular displacement of the eyeball by sensing changes in the orientation of the electric dipole.
Exploring tools and techniques in biomedical signal acquisition.
Measuring and calculating properties of a frog heart using diagnostic ultrasound.
Measuring and studying the natural mechanisms of the body in response to being submerged in water.
An interactive Neural Network visualization built w/ modern web technologies including tensorflow.js and react-three-fiber.
Detecting out of distribution samples using
A from scratch pytorch implementation of Spleeter - a network to separate vocal and instrumental tracks from an input song.
Incorporating label semantics in a BERT model for few shot Named Entity Recognition.
Experiments adding dimension to video footage, using simple and AI driven approaches.
A presentation on how neural networks see the world, meant to build intuition for a broader AI discussion.
Generating text and poetry with language models.
Using Keras and convolutional neural networks to classify multi-channel time series data.
Classification for “wide” datasets, w/ more features than examples.
Regression of spatial data using kernel functions.
Segment images using a clustering method.
Visualizing and simplifying high dimensional data.
Comparing various classifier in R.
Implementing Stoachastic Gradient Descent from scratch in R.
Writing a naive bayes classifier from scrach in R.
Modeling a population of neurons learning to control a 2 dimensional cursor.
Navigating environments w/ Markov Decision Processes & Reinforced Learning.
Digit classification w/ Naive Bayes and Multi-class Perceptrons.
Implementing an OCR system w/ OpenCV and Deep Learning.
Solving mazes by implementing various path finding algorithms.
Solving war games w/ Adversarial Search, Minimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning.
Solving word puzzles and other types of constraint satisfactions problems.
Modeling a population of neurons learning to control a 2 dimensional cursor.
Investigating the use of finite element solvers in basic electrode design and analysis.
Developing software to analyze and report reading patterns based on observed eye tracking data.
Using an intact frog ventricle muscle to study myocardial behavior and the impact of various control mechanisms.
Measuring and modeling the 3Dimensional movement of electricity in the human heart.
Computing signal characteristics of optical data to measure electrical arrhythmia in rabbits.
Modeling various cardiovascular mechanics.
Modeling the flow and interplay of ion channels.
Constructing a circuit to study the behavior of a voltage clamp.
Constructing a simple analog EKG amplifier to produce clean Lead I EKG recordings with identifiable wave characteristics.
Modeling renal pathology using Matlab.
Uncovering signals in noisy data using techniques in dimensionality reduction.
Measuring, modeling and recreating signal transduction in locust olfaction.
Designing and printing a lab tool.
Various modeling techniques for neurons, action potentials and neuronal stimulation.
Studying compound action potentials by dissecting and probing a frog’s sciatic nerve.
Measuring angular displacement of the eyeball by sensing changes in the orientation of the electric dipole.
Exploring tools and techniques in biomedical signal acquisition.
Measuring and calculating properties of a frog heart using diagnostic ultrasound.
Measuring and studying the natural mechanisms of the body in response to being submerged in water.
An interactive Neural Network visualization built w/ modern web technologies including tensorflow.js and react-three-fiber.
Detecting out of distribution samples using
Implementing vectorized clustering methods for distance metrics unsupported by common libraries.
A from scratch pytorch implementation of Spleeter - a network to separate vocal and instrumental tracks from an input song.
Incorporating label semantics in a BERT model for few shot Named Entity Recognition.
A presentation on how neural networks see the world, meant to build intuition for a broader AI discussion.
Using tensorboard to visualize or cluster arbitrary feature vectors/embeddings.
Generating text and poetry with language models.
Using Keras and convolutional neural networks to classify multi-channel time series data.
Classification for “wide” datasets, w/ more features than examples.
Regression of spatial data using kernel functions.
Segment images using a clustering method.
Visualizing and simplifying high dimensional data.
Comparing various classifier in R.
Implementing Stoachastic Gradient Descent from scratch in R.
Writing a naive bayes classifier from scrach in R.
Navigating environments w/ Markov Decision Processes & Reinforced Learning.
Digit classification w/ Naive Bayes and Multi-class Perceptrons.
Solving war games w/ Adversarial Search, Minimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning.
Solving word puzzles and other types of constraint satisfactions problems.
Investigating the use of finite element solvers in basic electrode design and analysis.
Developing software to analyze and report reading patterns based on observed eye tracking data.
Using an intact frog ventricle muscle to study myocardial behavior and the impact of various control mechanisms.
Measuring and modeling the 3Dimensional movement of electricity in the human heart.
Computing signal characteristics of optical data to measure electrical arrhythmia in rabbits.
Modeling various cardiovascular mechanics.
Modeling the flow and interplay of ion channels.
Constructing a circuit to study the behavior of a voltage clamp.
Constructing a simple analog EKG amplifier to produce clean Lead I EKG recordings with identifiable wave characteristics.
Modeling renal pathology using Matlab.
Uncovering signals in noisy data using techniques in dimensionality reduction.
Measuring, modeling and recreating signal transduction in locust olfaction.
Designing and printing a lab tool.
Various modeling techniques for neurons, action potentials and neuronal stimulation.
Studying compound action potentials by dissecting and probing a frog’s sciatic nerve.
Measuring angular displacement of the eyeball by sensing changes in the orientation of the electric dipole.
Exploring tools and techniques in biomedical signal acquisition.
Measuring and calculating properties of a frog heart using diagnostic ultrasound.
Measuring and studying the natural mechanisms of the body in response to being submerged in water.
An interactive Neural Network visualization built w/ modern web technologies including tensorflow.js and react-three-fiber.
A portable 3D audio visualizer built with modern web technologies including React & THREE.js
Experiments adding dimension to video footage, using simple and AI driven approaches.
Connecting instruments (MIDI data) to Unreal Engine 4, and visualizing the logic.
Early experiments creating interactive AV tools enabling a user to play with sound in a 3D context.
A 3D robot simulator built in React and THREE.js
An interactive Virtual Reality sandbox for the creation of digital logic circuits and graphical scripting
Minor experiments in VR.
Particle based physics and interactive fluids w/ Nvidia Flex.
Automating/Simulating a bin of objects (teddy bears) using Mel in Maya.
Programmatic rigging of tank treads in Maya.
A completely custom networked implementation of a card game called set.
Development and prototyping of a chaotic physics driven game.
Creating a python library to communicate w/ a hardware sensor on a Raspberry PI.
Building a custom racing simulator with a direct drive wheel and hydraulic handbrake.
Building a custom beer pong table with audio reactive lighting.
Tap a secret knock and a real door opens.
A comprehensive installation guide and review of a GPU waterblock.
Building a lightweight supercharged miata.
Building a ridiculous campus commuter from a childs toy.
Building a turbocharged show car.
A powerful pneumatic tennis ball cannon for funsies.
Designing and building custom guitars.
An interactive Neural Network visualization built w/ modern web technologies including tensorflow.js and react-three-fiber.
A portable 3D audio visualizer built with modern web technologies including React & THREE.js
Experiments adding dimension to video footage, using simple and AI driven approaches.
Connecting instruments (MIDI data) to Unreal Engine 4, and visualizing the logic.
A data driven design for a custom coffee table. Build log includes laser cutting acrylic, pouring resin, and molding concrete.
Early experiments creating interactive AV tools enabling a user to play with sound in a 3D context.
Creating and editing gameplay montages for the videogame destiny.
Random older art projects.
Designing and building custom guitars.
An interactive Virtual Reality sandbox for the creation of digital logic circuits and graphical scripting
Real Time Tracking for Augmented Reality using OpenCV and Popular Game Engines
Minor experiments in VR.
Particle based physics and interactive fluids w/ Nvidia Flex.
Automating/Simulating a bin of objects (teddy bears) using Mel in Maya.
Programmatic rigging of tank treads in Maya.
A completely custom networked implementation of a card game called set.
A completely custom networked implementation of a card game called set.
Development and prototyping of a chaotic physics driven game.
Estimating a fundamental matrix to triangulate and reconstruct 2D points in 3D space.
Implementing a robust homography estimation to register pairs of images separated either by a 2D or 3D projective transformation.
Recovering surface normals and surface heights from lighting cues.
Implementing a laplacian blob detector to identify scale invariant features.
Creating 360 panoramas from a set of images.
Creating 3D texture wrapped models from a single image.
Implementing an OCR system w/ OpenCV and Deep Learning.
Creating 360 panoramas from a set of images.
Discriminating and matching features in images.
An interactive Neural Network visualization built w/ modern web technologies including tensorflow.js and react-three-fiber.
A portable 3D audio visualizer built with modern web technologies including React & THREE.js
A 3D robot simulator built in React and THREE.js
Simple implementation of the diamond square algorithm to generate a tile of terrain.
Building a jenkins plugin extension to analyze test results.
Animating a dancing letter w/ WebGL
A simple multi-room chat server built using Node.JS and Socket.IO
A simple calendar coded in JS, Jquery, php and mySQL
Experiments adding dimension to video footage, using simple and AI driven approaches.
Connecting instruments (MIDI data) to Unreal Engine 4, and visualizing the logic.
Early experiments creating interactive AV tools enabling a user to play with sound in a 3D context.
Particle based physics and interactive fluids w/ Nvidia Flex.
A completely custom networked implementation of a card game called set.
Development and prototyping of a chaotic physics driven game.
Creating a python library to communicate w/ a hardware sensor on a Raspberry PI.
Building a custom racing simulator with a direct drive wheel and hydraulic handbrake.
Building a custom beer pong table with audio reactive lighting.
Tap a secret knock and a real door opens.
Building a ridiculous campus commuter from a childs toy.
A presentation and summary of a paper on architecture support for domain-specific accelerator-rich CMPS
Optimizing a Rudimentary Eigen Value Solver with Intel x86 SSE Intrinsics
Designing a 2 Stage Pipelined CPU in Logisim
Accelerating vector addition w/ NVidia CUDA framework
Accelerating via interleaved addressing with NVidia CUDA Framework
Automating free staging deployments for Github Pages using Github Actions.
Automating a keep-alive probe for a deployed streamlit app using puppeteer and Github Actions.
A collection of useful actions when interacting w/ s3 in python.
Debugging and profiling python code using cProfile & snakeviz.
Using tensorboard to visualize or cluster arbitrary feature vectors/embeddings.
Building a custom racing simulator with a direct drive wheel and hydraulic handbrake.
Building a lightweight supercharged miata.
Building a ridiculous campus commuter from a childs toy.
Building a turbocharged show car.
Building a custom racing simulator with a direct drive wheel and hydraulic handbrake.
Building a lightweight supercharged miata.
Building a turbocharged show car.
Installing 3rd party python libraries in Fusion 360.
A data driven design for a custom coffee table. Build log includes laser cutting acrylic, pouring resin, and molding concrete.
Designing and printing a lab tool.
A portable 3D audio visualizer built with modern web technologies including React & THREE.js
Connecting instruments (MIDI data) to Unreal Engine 4, and visualizing the logic.
Early experiments creating interactive AV tools enabling a user to play with sound in a 3D context.
A 3D robot simulator built in React and THREE.js
Designing a hybrid controller for a self-balancing robotic pendulum.
An interactive Virtual Reality sandbox for the creation of digital logic circuits and graphical scripting
Minor experiments in VR.
A presentation on how neural networks see the world, meant to build intuition for a broader AI discussion.
A presentation on embodied cognition and thinking through touch.
Automating free staging deployments for Github Pages using Github Actions.
Automating a keep-alive probe for a deployed streamlit app using puppeteer and Github Actions.
Designing and printing a lab tool.
A comprehensive installation guide and review of a GPU waterblock.
Real Time Tracking for Augmented Reality using OpenCV and Popular Game Engines
A presentation on embodied cognition and thinking through touch.
A data driven design for a custom coffee table. Build log includes laser cutting acrylic, pouring resin, and molding concrete.
Connecting instruments (MIDI data) to Unreal Engine 4, and visualizing the logic.