3 minute read

While traveling for the holidays, I found myself with spare time but only a laptop on hand. So I tried re-creating a previous experiment using portable web technologies that can run on any device with a browser, including React and THREE.js. This ended up being a fun morning project.

Click HERE for an Interactive Demo

Note: After navigating to the app with the link above, use the GUI controls in the app to select MIC input

See the source code

Creating a Reactive Grid

The grid is comprised of thousands of meshes. To keep things efficient, I used instanced meshes which are only created once.

<instancedMesh ref={meshRef} args={[null, null, nGridRows * nGridCols]}>
  <boxGeometry attach="geometry" args={[cubeSideLength, cubeSideLength, cubeSideLength, 1]} />
  <meshBasicMaterial attach="material" color={"white"} toneMapped={false} />

The transform for each mesh is updated every frame, which is fairly lightweight operation. The meshes are indxed in row-major order.

// minimal example to set transforms on each cube in the grid
useFrame(() => {
  for (let row = 0; row < nGridRows; row++) {
      for (let col = 0; col < nGridCols; col++) {
        let x,y,z = ...;
        let instanceIdx = row * nGridCols + col;
        let tmpMatrix = new Matrix4();
        meshRef.current.setMatrixAt(instanceIdx, tmpMatrix.setPosition(x, y, z));

In reality, we want to set the transforms based on some data. To create the final animation, I apply effects to the z-offset in normalized radial coordinates measured out from the center of the grid. The following code changes z values for each cube in the grid to reflect a sin wave.

useFrame(({ clock }) => {
  //in ms
  const time = 1000 * clock.getElapsedTime();
  const gridSizeX = nGridRows * cubeSpacingScalar * cubeSideLength;
  const gridSizeY = nGridCols * cubeSpacingScalar * cubeSideLength;
  const periodSec = 1 / frequencyHz;
  const b = (2 * Math.PI) / periodSec;
  const normQuadrantHypotenuse = Math.sqrt(
    Math.pow(0.5, 2) + Math.pow(0.5, 2)
  let phaseShift = time / 1000;
  let x, y, z, idx, normGridX, normGridY, normRadialOffset;

  for (let row = 0; row < nGridRows; row++) {
    for (let col = 0; col < nGridCols; col++) {
      idx = row * nGridCols + col;
      normGridX = row / nGridRows;
      normGridY = col / nGridCols;
      x = gridSizeX * (normGridX - 0.5);
      y = gridSizeY * (normGridY - 0.5);
      normRadialOffset =
          Math.pow(normGridX - 0.5, 2) + Math.pow(normGridY - 0.5, 2)
        ) / normQuadrantHypotenuse;
      z = amplitude * Math.sin(b * normRadialOffset + phaseShift);
      ref.current.setMatrixAt(idx,  tmpMatrix.setPosition(x, y, z));
  // Update the instance
  ref.current.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;

Extending this idea, we can visualize arbitary data from a 1D array of values. The following code will map a referenced 1D data array into z values for each cube in the grid.

useFrame(() => {
  //in ms
  const gridSizeX = nGridRows * cubeSpacingScalar * cubeSideLength;
  const gridSizeY = nGridCols * cubeSpacingScalar * cubeSideLength;
  const normQuadrantHypotenuse = Math.hypot(0.5, 0.5);

  let instanceIdx, normGridX, normGridY, x, y, z, normRadialOffset;
  for (let row = 0; row < nGridRows; row++) {
    for (let col = 0; col < nGridCols; col++) {
      instanceIdx = row * nGridCols + col;
      normGridX = row / nGridRows;
      normGridY = col / nGridCols;
      x = gridSizeX * (normGridX - 0.5);
      y = gridSizeY * (normGridY - 0.5);
      normRadialOffset = Math.hypot(normGridX - 0.5, normGridY - 0.5) / normQuadrantHypotenuse;
      z = amplitude * getValueForNormalizedCoord(freqDataRef?.current, normRadialOffset);
      meshRef.current.setMatrixAt(instanceIdx, tmpMatrix.setPosition(x, y, z));
  // Update the instance
  meshRef.current.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;

Note the freqDataRef above. Using this reactive grid, we can reference arbitrary data to drive the animation… including audio :)

// Play some audio, assuming an audio element
// <audio ref={audioRef} crossOrigin="anonymous" />;
audioRef.current.src = "https://icecast2.ufpel.edu.br/live";

const updateFreqData = (instance) => {
  const bars = instance.getBars();
  bars.forEach(({ value }, index) => {
    freqDataRef.current[index] = value[0];

analyzer = new AudioMotionAnalayzer(null, {
  source: audioRef.current,
  mode: 2,
  useCanvas: false,
  onCanvasDraw: updateFreqData,
